czwartek, 13 listopada 2008
It wasn't tantric. It was frantic.
STING: Well, it's been said that we make love for eight hours.
OPRAH: Yeah. It's been said.
TRUDIE: Five, I think.
STING: Was it?
TRUDIE: Let's not get carried away.
STING: I know eight. Eight.
OPRAH: No, eight, eight. I read eight.
STING: But it's not just having sex for eight hours. I mean, that would be ridiculous. No, there are deeper levels of connection you can have. You...
TRUDIE: Well, I'll handle this one.
TRUDIE: You've got us into enough trouble in the past over this.
TRUDIE: He's right. It's not five hours or seven hours of sex. It's five or six or seven hours of lovemaking. Now lovemaking to me is like a renewal of ourselves. So he'll maybe run a bath for me, and we'll have beautiful - the bathroom will be set with candles and essential oils and then he'll give me a massage.Then we'll look at each other in the eyes for a very long time, because don't forget, he travels a lot. He's away a lot. So when we come together, it's really a renewal of the day that we started our love affair. And I feel that very much. And so the connection that we have, the beingness that we have from being together, is as important as the sex act. So making love can go on for hours because we can be kissing each other still, after all these years, for hours. I love him still kissing me, and so I...
OPRAH: I'm getting just a little tingly hearing about it.
STING: So am I.
TRUDIE: Me, too.
OPRAH: No, no, really. I think, you know, something you said is really key, because over the years, I've watched couples like on this show and back a couple years ago when Phil was on, there are so many people who never look each other in the eye. They don't look each other in the eye. So you all make a conscious effort to do that, where you're just spending time looking into each other's eyes.
TRUDIE: To get out of the mind, to drop down into the heart space and be in each other's space. Yeah.
OPRAH: And so that's the first hour. We got seven hours to go.
TRUDIE: OK. So where were we?
STING: Then there's the movie, and the dinner.
TRUDIE: Were we kissing each other when I left off?
OPRAH: Yeah, you were kissing each other.
OPRAH: So you still kiss a lot.
TRUDIE: Oh, for hours, yes.
OPRAH: You kiss for hours.
TRUDIE: We make out for hours in all the rooms in the house.
OPRAH: You do.
TRUDIE: Yeah. Many hours.
OPRAH: And where are the children?
STING: Running away.
A celebrated writer
any of the beings there about this writer, he would certainly recognize his
name and speak of him as an extraordinary being.
"But if you went on to ask what he had written, it would turn out that most
of them, if of course they confessed the truth, had never read a single one of
his books.
"All the same they would talk about him and discuss him, and splutteringly
insist that he was a being with an unparalleled mind and a phenomenal
knowledge of the psyche of the beings dwelling on the planet Earth."
- G. I. Gurdjieff "Beelzebub's tales to his grandson"
another particularity that long ago became proper to them alone, which
consists in this, that no sooner does some new 'havatviernoni,' or 'religion,'
arise among them than its followers begin to split up into different camps,
and each of these soon forms what is called a 'sect' of its own The strangest
thing about this particularity of theirs is that those who belong to such a sect
never call themselves 'sectarians,' as the name is considered offensive, they
are called this only by those who do not belong to their sect And the
adherents of a sect are 'sectarians' for others only as long as they have no
'guns' and 'ships' at their disposal, but as soon as they get hold of enough guns
and ships, what had been a particular sectarian doctrine at once becomes the
dominant religion.
- G. I. Gurdjieff "Beelzebub's tales to his grandson"
Wybory (Choices)
Are we so? We are sad when we loose a friend. We are angry when somebody says rude words. We want to have what is advertised or what someone else has got. When someone is famous we want to have a photo with him. Most of our “free will” seems to be an illusion. Just a game of an unconscious mind where programs from the past work automatically. Determined by the law of cause and effect.
Possibly only consciousness can be undetermined. But where it usually is? Attached to whatever shines the most. Jumping from one thong to another. Appearing and disappearing. Smaller than a grain of sand. Do you believe size is not important?
Pulling the strings
środa, 12 listopada 2008
Godzina W – 17:00 1.08.1944: Polska mitologia-martyrologia
Godzina W – 17:00 1.08.1944: Polska mitologia-martyrologia
(The W hour – 17:00 1.08.1944: Polish mythology-martyrology)
Egregor is a term that represents a sum of feelings of a group of people. A collective atmosphere of some organization, for example a country. Colin Sisson said that his homeland’s – New Zealand’s – egregor is a spirit of hard work. In opposition to Australian, which is more about enjoying life. Asked about Polish egregor said that here he feels a deep wound.
What’s wrong with my goddamn country?
Thinking about the most important moments in Polish history recalls events such as the Kościuszko Uprising, the November Uprising 1830, the January Uprising 1863, September 1939, Katyń and Warsaw Uprising 1944. What do they have in common? They were all losses. Fights with no chances for victory.
In July ’44 we had situation like this: the Red Army was moving from the east and pushing Germans back to their homeland. Soviets were going to so, called, “liberate” Poland with their NKVD. The Polish government on the retreat in London decides that it would be better to welcome Soviets in the capital as the hosts, not as victims. So it made a desperate move and prepared the insurrection. Which meant moving partisans from whole the country to Warsaw.
O.K. That was one of the best organized underground structures ever in history. (In comparison to which, French resistance was just a group of gen. De Gaulle’s greatest fans.) But still it were mostly 18-20 year-old guys with rifles against German tanks and heavy cannons.
They hoped for the western help but it was difficult and dangerous to pass the whole Germany with transports and return. The planes needed to refuel on Russian airports before flying back. Stalin did Stalin’s job (which was competing with Hitler for the Biggest XX Century Asshole Award) and said what can be translated in general as “No f**king way.” So the Red Army reached Vistula. Stalin did the Stalin’s job and said that soldiers needed to take some rest. Accidentally the time they needed was exactly what took the Nazi to defeat the Uprising and to do the blow job by blowing up most of the buildings..
The result: completely destroyed city and over 200 000 victims, mostly civilians. Young, well educated people. The real gentlemen and ladies who could possibly talk as following:
- Mr. Staff Sergeant, would you pass me a grenade, please. I’ll throw at a Fritz.
- Of course, here it is Mr. Master Corporal.
- Thank you, Mr. Staff Sergeant. I’m throwing.
- And, Mr. Master Corporal, did you reach him?
- Yes, Mr. Staff Sergeant. It burst the bastard, sir.
Kids With Guns
As a result, their death is one of the reasons, even bigger than Katyń, for which Poland now doesn’t have the real intellectual elite. What is clearly visible while observing our politicians and not only them.
The other, not so sure, but still possible consequences: without the Uprising the Soviets wouldn’t have stopped their march, Germans would have left Warsaw faster, they wouldn’t have had time for preparing defense on Odra so the war would have been over before the winter ’44. Probably.
What I would certainly add to the lessons about the heroism of people giving their lives in Warsaw Uprising ’44 is a label: “Children don’t do it at home!”
To sum up, Poland is the country which really lost the II World War and lost the independence for another 45 years. I think it’s been since then that there is somewhere the wound. And teaching of history all the time insists on glorifying the Polish kind of heroes who were always fighting till the end. Never mind the chances for victory. Never mind the future. They couldn’t give up for the high reasons such as chivalry or honor. Or like in ‘The Pest’ by Camus feeling that was their mission. Or else it was just their testosterone, maybe.
Never mind the positive heroes who made the country grow and cultivated the wellbeing. Many of them are considered as controversial.
Therefore cultivating loosing heroes leaves a feeling of tragism of life. Which doesn’t allow many people to enjoy themselves. A deep wound which I didn’t deal with yet.
piątek, 7 listopada 2008
Przypowieść o ministrach
Był sobie król, który, jak wszyscy przywódcy, wierzył, że całkowicie panuje nad królestwem. Każdego dnia zasiadał na tronie otoczony swymi ministrami. Przejął tych wszystkich swoich doradców po rodzicach, którzy rządzili krajem przed nim, i nazwał ich ministrami. Pewnego dnia zakochał się w pięknej księżniczce z królestwa Calathumpia. Stanął przed wszystkimi swymi ministrami i ogłosił, że ma zamiar się ożenić.
Zaraz podskoczył do niego minister spraw zagranicznych i powiedział:
– Wasza Wysokość, za pozwoleniem, myślę, że to małżeństwo byłoby błędem, ponieważ popsułoby nasze stosunki z przyjaznym królestwem na południu, które jest w stanie wojny z Cathalumpią.
Na to wstał minister finansów i rzekł:
– Najjaśniejszy, popieram to małżeństwo, ponieważ jesteśmy na skraju bankructwa, a Cathalumpią jest bardzo bogatym krajem i może wzmocnić nasze królestwo.
Następnie przemówił minister do spraw wyznań:
– Panie, księżniczka jest innej wiary niż wiara panująca w naszym królestwie. To może spowodować problemy. Potem wypowiedział się minister planowania:
– Potrzebujemy dziedzica tronu. Dlatego popieram to małżeństwo. Minister tajnych służb zauważył:
– Słyszeliśmy, że księżniczka ma kochanka, a to wywołałoby skandal.
Król, słuchając tych wszystkich opinii, wpadł w stan wielkiego zamętu i niepewności. W końcu popatrzył na portret swej wybranki i podjął decyzję. Ogłosił, że się z nią ożeni i nie chce słyszeć nic przeciwko temu postanowieniu. I tak się stało. Ożenił się z księżniczką.
Ci, którzy popierali małżeństwo, stanęli za królem i przez jakiś czas wszystko szło dobrze. Ale ministrowie, którzy sprzeciwiali się jego ożenkowi, zeszli do podziemia i zaczęli subtelnymi metodami osłabiać królestwo. W końcu wywołali powstanie. Ale, by królestwo mogło funkcjonować, powstanie ministrów zostało stłumione.
- Colin P. Sisson
Kim jestem z przyjaciółmi?
Kim jestem z rodzicami?
Kim jestem z rodziną?
Kim jestem w domu?
Kim jestem w szkole?
Kim jestem w pracy?
Kim jestem u lekarza?
Kim jestem kiedy kieruję samochodem?
Kim jestem kiedy uprawiam sport?
Kim jestem w obcym kraju?
Kim jestem w pubie?
Kim jestem na randce?
Kim jestem gdy jestem zakochany?
Czy jestem tą samą osobą? Czy może kolejny minister przejął kontrolę?